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#101 : Femmes Fatales

Adolescente à problèmes, Nikita a été sauvée de la mort par une organisation secrète connue sous le nom de la Division. L'agence a simulé l'exécution de la jeune fille et lui a donné une seconde chance de débuter une nouvelle vie en servant son pays. Ce qu’ils ne lui avaient pas dit c’est qu’elle allait être entraînée pour devenir une machine à tuer. Cependant, en dépit de son entraînement à la Division, Nikita n’a jamais perdu son humanité, tombant même amoureuse d’un civil. Et quand son fiancé est assassiné, Nikita réalise qu’elle a été trahie et qu’elle ne peut faire confiance à personne. Elle prend alors la fuite. Trois ans plus tard, toujours en cavale, la jeune femme est toujours déterminée à détruire ses anciens employeurs. Pendant ce temps, la Division continue d’entraîner de jeunes recrues, effaçant toute trace de leur ancienne vie pour les transformer en tueurs froids et efficaces. Michael, ancien formateur de Nikita, est désormais chargé de Thom, Jaden et Alex. Celle-ci, hantée par un violent passé, a connu un parcours très similaire à celui de Nikita...


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Femmes Fatales

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Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca)

Michael (Shane West)

Michael (Shane West)

Michael (Shane West)

Michael (Shane West)

Nikita (Maggie Q) et Percy (Xander Berkeley)

Nikita (Maggie Q) et Percy (Xander Berkeley)

Feu !

Feu !

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) et Michael (Shane West)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) et Michael (Shane West)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) menace Amanda (Melinda Clarke)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) menace Amanda (Melinda Clarke)

Amanda (Melinda Clarke)

Amanda (Melinda Clarke)

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Michael (Shane West)

Michael (Shane West)

Michael (Shane West)

Michael (Shane West)

Nikita (Maggie Q) ne passe pas inaperçue

Nikita (Maggie Q) ne passe pas inaperçue

Nikita (Maggie Q) sort le grand jeu

Nikita (Maggie Q) sort le grand jeu

Qui pointe son arme sur Nikita ? (Maggie Q)

Qui pointe son arme sur Nikita ? (Maggie Q)

Discussion à la cantine pour Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca)

Discussion à la cantine pour Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca)

Cocktail et observation pour Nikita (Maggie Q)

Cocktail et observation pour Nikita (Maggie Q)

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) accompagnée par Michael (Shane West)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) accompagnée par Michael (Shane West)

Nikita (Maggie Q) en pleine action

Nikita (Maggie Q) en pleine action

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) : jolie robe

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) : jolie robe

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca)

Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca)

Nikita (Maggie Q)

Nikita (Maggie Q)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 09.09.2010 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Craig Silverstein.
Réalisateur : Danny Cannon.

  • Sebastien Roberts ... Daniel Monroe
  • David Ferry ... Gary
  • Rothaford Gray ... Général Safwani
  • Hamish McEwan ... John Fleder
  • Manuel E. Urrego ... Guillermo
  • Chris Gillett ... Sénateur Markus
  • Moses Nyarko ... Garde du corps #1
  • David Carty ... Garde du corps #2
  • Emmanuel Kabongo ... Sécurité
  • Jarod MacLean ... Agent en costume
  • Winston Marshall ... Tech Division
  • Jason Stutz ... Agent de la Division
  • Tig Fong ... Entraineur Arts martiaux
  • Paul Anthony Hardy ... Ronnie

Alex se réveille, cette dernière est considérée comme morte mais la division a décidé de lui laisser la vie sauve en lui donnant une seconde chance. Michael lui explique qu'elle va devoir apprendre à marcher droit, à écouter et apprendre à servir son pays.

Nikita via la voix off nous raconte de quelle manière elle a été recruté par la division, un gouvernement secret qui transforme les personnes en tueur. Elle s'en est échappée, et est prête à tout pour les arrêter. L'épisode commence avec un vol dans une pharmacie ou deux personnes déguisés en lapins volent des médicaments.



Pendant ce temps, Nikita se retrouve au bord d'une piscine, un homme lui propose un verre, mais celle ci par surprise le tue en lui brisant le cou. Elle communique via sa radio, elle demande de l'aide mais Michael lui répond que l'extraction est impossible, ce dernier s'avance vers elle, lui pointe son arme et appuie sur la gâchette.
Fin Flashback

 Après son cauchemar, Nikita  se réveille. Elle est dans une voiture et part rendre visite à Gary, son père. Ce dernier ignore qui elle est, jusqu'au moment ou elle l'appelle Papa et l"attrape par la gorge et le jette. Elle lui raconte qu'à cause de lui, elle s'est enfuie est s'est réfugiée dans le drogue, puis a été arrêté pour avoir tué un policier et pour finir condamnée à mort. Mais sa vie a été épargné par une division secrète du gouvernement : « La Division »  une unité qui l'a formé en une assasin. Puis elle a fait une seule faute : elle est tombée amoureux d'un homme du nom de Daniel, tué par cette organisation. Nikita lui explique qu'ils vont payer pour ce qu'ils ont fait. 

Percy le chef de la «Division » envoie Michael son bras droit, à une nouvelle mission : retrouver Nikita et cette fois ci confirmer sa mort. Toujours à la division, Alex s'assoit à une table. Une fille Jade s'assoit à côté d'elle et lui annonce qu'elle va mourir. Alex jette la nourriture sur la fille et lui met sa fourchette sous la gorge. Tom vient à la rescousse en attrapant Jade. Nous apprenons que Tom par pour sa première mission. Amanda, la psychologue, souhaite rencontrer Alex.

Michael part suivre les traces de Nikita et se rend chez Gary, Michael tente de savoir ce que Nikita a dit à son père, maisce dernier ne se souviens de rien. Michael se lasse de l'entendre et il le tue. Nikita se dirige vers le tombeau de Daniel, nous voyons des flashbacks de son temps avec Daniel qui lui donne une bague de fiançailles. Retour sur l
e tombeau, Nikita enlève l'anneau et le pose sur la tombe. A la division Birkhoff annonce qui Nikita a été aperçu près d'une tombe. Alex rencontre Amanda qui lui montre comment utiliser sa beauté mais  Alex ne veux pas de maquillage. Amanda connait le passé d'Alex, celle ci vient d'Ukraine et à du travailler pour l'obtention de son accent américain. Une équipe de la division est partie à la recherche de Nikita. Nikita manifeste sur le siège arrière de la voiture de Birkhoff qui lui demande ce qu'elle va lui faire. Nikita frappe Birkhoff, vole le camion et le ramène à un endroit caché. Birkhoff demande à Nikita de le tuer car sinon c'est Percy qui le tuera.

Dans le bureau de Percy, Birkhoff annonce que Nikita n'est plus seule, elle bénéfie de l'aide d'une personne, mais Michael ne le croit pas. Percy doit se rendre à une réunion, il communique aussi des infos à propos de « Black Arrow ». Retour à la planque de Nikita, cette dernière se prépare  pour le « Black Arrow ».

Retour au terrain d'entraînement, Alex s'apperçoit enfin de ce qu'est réelement la divison. Jade est jalouse carTom part en mission, ill va pouvoir tuer quelqu'un. Alex souhaite avoir plus d'informations à propos de la division celle ci lui répond qu'ils sont formés pour être des tueurs et s'ils ne tuent pas, c'est eux  qui sont tués à la place.

A l'Hôtel Wyckland, 3 hommes sont dans une chambre d'hôtel et via la radio ils contactent Guardia pour préparer la voiture. Il raconte qu'il est prêt.Guardia se précipite à la salle de bain, il rencontre Tom habillé comme un portier . Mais Nikita apparaît dans la salle de bains et se bat avec deux assassins, les frappe et ils deviennent inconscients. Elle monte à l'étage et tue des hommes avec un pistolet Taser. Elle charge le sénateur sur un chariot et lui met une couverture. Elle le ramène à sa voiture et lui raconte qu'un groupe appelé la « Division tentait de le tuer.

Alex demande à Amanda de la faire sortir d'ici. Elle utilise les grands moyens en lui mettant le ciseaux sous la gorge. Amanda lui répond qu'elle ne peut pas s'échapper. Mais si elle repose son ciseaux, Amanda lui promet d'oubier ce qui vient de se passer.

Michael raconte à Percy que Black Arrow a échoué à cause de Nikita, à ce même moment Nikita arrive et se glisse dans la discussion des deux gars en expliquant pour quelles raisons Black Arrow a échoué. Percy pense pouvoir arrêter Nikita mais cette dernière est accompagnée d'un sénateur. Michael renverse son verre sur le sénateur pour laisser Percy et Nikita discuter entre eux : Nikita promet qu'elle va détruire la division étape par étape et qu'ils vont beaucoup souffrir. Alors qu'une voiture explose à l'extérieur, Nikita attaque et tire un peu partout dans la salle. Elle s'enfuit et est suivit par Michael. Nikita tire dans l'épaule de Michael.

Retour à la Division, Nikita est déplacé vers le haut des objectifs de la division. Nikita communique via Alex grâce à un chat très sécurisé. Nous apprenons que les deux travaillent ensemble pour faire tomber la division.


(écrit par floflo1972)

Nikita's voice:

My name is Nikita.

6 years ago I was taken out of prison and forced by a covert unitof the government to be an assassin. 3 years ago, I escaped, and have been huntedever since. I was the first recruitto get out. I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.



Women : Come on ! ... Come on, come on, come on.... ... Aahh!


We hear Sirens


First Officer :  Stay right there!

Second Officer : Don't move!

First Officier : She's just a kid. Taking this onedown to solitary.... Watch out... She's a biter.


Alarm sounds

First Officier : They're going to love you here.

Alex : I didn't do it!I didn't do it!



Michael : Evening, Alex. It is Alex, right? ... Never Alexandra.

Alex : Who are you? ... Where am I?

Michael : Well, you're notin prison anymore... You're not even in Michigan, although we're the onlyones that know that... Your death was officiallyruled a suicide by the prison coroneron November first. Your ashes are storedright here... My name's Michael. I work for the government. We've decided to giveyou a second chance.

Alex : Why? ... Why me?

Michael : Beacuse you're a youngattractive white female with virtually no personalties or paper trail. Now, those do exist, but they're hard to come by. What really grabbedour attention, though, how you managed to kill a criminalwe were about to take out.

Alex :  Aah! Ow!

Michael : His name was Kyle, by the way.He was partof a smuggling ring. Stand and your wrist breaks.

Alex : I didn't kill no one! It was Ronnie!

Michael : Your boyfriend's body wasfound next to his apartment, dead from an overdose. No one showed upto his funeral, either.


Alex - Gasping

Michael : Your life is over, Alex. I'm here to offer youa new one. But you have to bewilling to earn it.

Alex : What do I gotta do?

Michael : Learn... How not to sound like a teenmeth whore, for starters... Learn to stand up straight.... Learn how to walk right... Learn how to talk right... Learn how to serve your country...


knocks on door

Michael : Instead of just yourself.


Woman singing in spanish

Man : Chica... You... Como te llamas?

Nikita : Nikita.

Man : Nikita... Never seen you before, Nikita... Who brought you here?

Nikita : Elena. Yelena? She said there wasa cool party, so, uh, here I am.

Man : Venga. Come.... Have a drink.

Nikita : I was kinda hoping to stay dry. Why don't we go to the bar? As you say,this is a cool party.

If you want to stay,you're going to haveto get...wet.

That wasn't so bad, was it?

I would have preferred the bar.

It's just that this is going to maketaking your bodyguard out so much harder.


Target is down! I need extractionat the service entrance.

Man on radio:Negative. Extraction impossible.


You always had troublelistening, didn't you?

Michael! Please,I need to get out of here.

Still don't hear me.I told you.

There is no out.[gunshot]

[Engine starts]
[Doorbell rings]

Hi, Gary.

"Hi, Gary"?

[Chuckles] That'sa nice touch, honey, but I ain't buying anything.

Ah, all right.

Let's try this again.

Hi, daddy.



Wow. You really let this placego after Caroline died.


I guess no morefoster kids like me to clean up your crap, either.

[Bones snapping] [groaning]

You... you brokemy friggin' wrist! Ah!

Sit up, Gary.

Try to pay attention, ok?

I need to tell you what happenedto me after I ran away.

It starts offlike you'd expect, and then it getsa little weird.


After I ran away, I got with a pretty bad crowd.

Did a lot of drugs.

Anything that made meforget about you.

Nikita, baby,that was 10 years ago.

It was 11. I'm 27 now.

If you call me baby again,I'll break something else.

They told me I killed a cop.

I don't remember.I've tried to.


I'd just turned 18, so they were able tocharge me with murder one.

I was sentenced to dieby lethal injection.

No friggin' way.

Trust me.

You'll want to save your "nofriggin' way" for the next part, where my executionwas faked by a secret unit of the governmentcalled "Division".

They told me they weregiving me a second chance.

They told me I'd beserving my country.

What they didn't tell me was they were training meto be an assassin.

They're probably telling some othergirl the same thing right now.

[Door opens]It was a year of training before my first mission, sort oflike a military charm school.

Everything to make methe best killer I could be... till I brokeone of their rules.

What rule?

I fell in love.

With a civilian.

His name was Daniel.

After 3 months together, all I wanted to dowas be with him.

Live a normal life but Divisioncouldn't have that, so they killed him and madeit look like an accident.

Why are you telling meall of this?

You know why, Gary.

They're still after me.

And I know they've beenkeeping tabs on you in case I showed up.

It's ok.

I want them to know I'm here.

I want you to tell themeverything I just told you.

I want to send them a message.

It ends now.

Woman grunting

This is surveillanceof general Safwani entering the Wyckland hotel. bodyguards in his suite,one advance guard in the lobby.

Lobby guard is our weak link.

That's our way in.

We have one shot at this.

If he makes it tothe U.N., we fail.

What's the team look like?

It's a 4-man op.

One of my recruits, Thom,is ready for the field.

[Cell phone rings]And I was planning on using...




No, I'll be right there.

I'm taking you offoperation black arrow.

Giving you a new assignment.


Nikita? Nikita.

She's back on the radar.

Sprung one of our mouse traps.

I want you to hunt her down,

and I want youto confirm the kill.

Do you think you cando that this time?

What do you think?

[Indistinct chatter]


What are you looking at, bitch?

You're going to die here,you know that?

What the hell are you doing?!

If you don't think they watchus in here, you're wrong!


I'd put that downif I were you.

I love it whenyou hold me like this.

God. Chill.

Just saying hi to the new girl.

This is Jaden.She doesn't think she's still newhere, but she is.

What's your name?

What's yours?

This is Thom.

He's a pro, cause he's about to goon his first mission.

Shut up.

Look, we're recruits,just like you.

I've been in almost a year, they brought Jaden inabout 2 months ago.

None of us are volunteers.

Meaning, whatever they're got on you, whatever your big bad past is, it's nothing we haven'theard before.

Meaning we needto stick together if we're going to makeit through training.

Trust me.

Now, you can start by telling us your name.

Agent: Alex.

Amanda's ready to see you.

[Train horn]

Yeah, well understand this...

FBI is payingfor all this damage, cause this is goinga bit beyond the call of duty.



She didn't gointo the bathroom!

Did she say anything else?

Man, we've been over this50 freakin' times already.

What do you think she meantby "it ends now"?

I don't know.

Cause I kinda lost focus once she went into thewhole James Bond thing.

I'm talking about her tone.Was she tired?

Did she want to surrender?Did she want to give up?

Man, I wasn't concentratingon her tone, cause my wrist...[Groans]

I'm all set.

Don't worry, I'll clean it.


I was talking to him.

Nikita knew whatwe would have to do.

I don't thinkshe liked this guy.

Daniel: Your job's too stressful.Let it go.

You know I can't, Daniel.

The airline will findanother consultant.

Too much would have to change.

How much?

Like this much?

Don't get too excited,it's just the box.


It's beautiful!


I think you broke a rib.

I did?

Which one?

This one? Well...

Keep going, I'm not sure.

Oh! Hey!

Promise me something.

Right now, anything.

Promise me it's not a dream...

I'm going to wake up fromtomorrow. Right now, anything.

Shh, shh, shh.

It's Nikita.

It's definitely her. I got a hit on thepressure senser, pulled up athenasat, boom.

[Indistinct chatter]

Took her 3 years, but she'sfinally paying her respects.

That, or she's finally snapped.

Go ahead and assemble a team.

We're in closer proximityto her here than Michael is.

She had a good run.

Won't be another one like her.

Don't be so sure.

[Classical music playing]


Well, don't just standthere, Alex, try it on.

You'll find it fits perfectly.

I don't wear stuff like this.

As a style choice, or becauseyou're not used to it?

Because it's ugly. And you're beautiful.

Michael was rightabout that much.

So what?

You're the one that'ssupposed to teach me how to walk and talk, chew with my mouth closed?

My name is Amanda, and I'm the one who'sgoing to show you how to embrace your beauty and use it to your advantage.

Your journey begins righthere in this chair.

I'm not smearing that crapon my face.

It's not like thiswill be the first time you've reinventedyourself, Alex.

I'm very impressed wit youraccent, or lack thereof.

[Speaking Russian]


Well, based on your age now, and taking into accountthe 5 years or so you'd have to workto lose your accent.

It wasn't hard toanswer the question what kind of 14 yearold Ukrainian girl purchases a forged identity?

Someone who was brought here against her will, on a boat, with many and the girls just like her. Not like me.

I escaped.

Your captors, yes, but notthe junk they hooked you on.

You're a survivor, Alex.

You made it through hell,you'll make it through this.

All I'm here to show you is youdon't have to be hard to survive.

Sometimes vulnerabilitycan be our greatest weapon.

Position is unchanged.Use caution. She will be armed.

Bye, Niki.

Man: Execute.

Target on the move!

Target on the move.

North gate, north gate!

Radio back whenyou have visual.

Good boy, Birkhoff.

What are you gonna do?

You'll see.

[Tires squealing]

Ahh.Congratulations, Birkhoff.

You found me.

What is that?Truth serum?

It's pain desensitizer.

I don't want youpassing out on me.

So, what, you gonna torture me?Is that it?

Not if you tell mewhat I need to know.

Well, I always told youyou were hot.

You know that.

I want accessto Division's network.

Log-ins, passwords.

Bitch, just skip to the partwhere you kill me.



Seriously, do it!

Because if I give youthose codes,

Percy will kill me.Shut up!


What do you want with the network?

Finding where it wasyou've been hiding out.

I'm not hiding anymore.

Then what are you doing?

You're not tryingto come at us, are you?


Man. Niki...

Niki, you're insane.

Don't call me Niki.

Then don't call me nerd.

Remember you usedto call me that?

"Patch me throughto Michael, nerd.

This computer's busted,fix it, nerd."

Place ain't the samewithout you, babe.

Then let's burn it down.

You seriously think you can burndown Division all on your own?

Who says I'm on my own?

So you playingfor the other side now?

Well, if you got such big gunson your side backing you up, what do you need me for?

Well, because they may be ableto get me the intel I need.

But I know you can get it.

Well, then we're right backwhere we started.

Just understand, if you do this, you're going to haveto kill your way through a whole lot of people you know.

Starting with me.


[Sirens in distance]

We've got Birkhoff.

The signal interferenceis gone.

His tracking implant'sback online.

Let's hope it's stillinside him.


She's long gone, guys.

Good hustle, though.Very nice.

Someone wantto get me off this?

Michael, a little help here?


Ah, look.

All cleaned up.

You know, they say Amanda can pretty up a pig.

You should go see her sometime.

He's intense.

He's about to go onhis first op.

He's just stressed.

Heh. Even thoughhe won't admit it.

You guys...

Division doesn't allowrelationships.

Who said anythingabout a relationship?


New girl's a spitfire, Thom.

Maybe you can get himto give it up.

We want to know aboutoperation Black Arrow.

[Sighs] Look,I told you, that's...

That's classified? God.

You sound like one of them now.

Come on. I know it's goingdown at the Wyckland hotel.

Who told you that?

This is a spy school, Thom.

I spied on you googlingstuff at the computer lab.

The Wyckland hotel,some west African V.I.P.

General Sawani orSa-weenie or something.

You can get in trouble for that.


Who am I going to tell?

I'm just jealousyou get to smoke someone.

I mean, what are wehere for, right? What?

You disagree?

What are we here for?


[Laughs] Ah, man.

Is she playing with me?

At least half of ourmissions are counter intel.

Deep cover infiltrations... and the other half?

You're here to killfor the man, honey.

They're going to teach youto kill with a gun.

They're going to teach you to killwith yor nails, they're going to tell youwho to kill and when to kill them.

And if you don't deliver, they're going to kill you.

[Men grunting]

Jaden, you're up.


Birkhoff: She'srunning out of options.

Ah. I mean,if she can't crack me, there's no way she's goingto crack this place.

She say who was working for?


Honestly, I think it's a bluff.

I think she's on her own.

I mean, you should haveseen her, she was a wreck.

I was able to turnthe tables on her easy.

Yeah, was that before or after she duct-taped you to thatspringy rocking horse?

The only reasonwhy you're alive is because she wanted you that way.

We need to suspendall operations until we can contain this.

As long as she's outthere, she's a threat.

Threats are what we put downusing our resources.

Nikita is a complication.

If you believe Birkhoff.

I'm telling the truth, Michael.

And she didn't kill mebecause she likes me.

Think you're just jealousshe didn't ask about you.

Where are you going?

Joint intelligence fundraiser tonight.I've gotta put in an appearance.For the record,

I'm not going to let a piece of street trashslow down this operation.

Not for one minute.All operations are go, including Black Arrow.

[ ... ... ...]

[knock on door]
[Indistinct chatter]

Woman on TV: The unitednations aims to end civil war in a region plaguedby warring factions.

He's going to eat.One hour.

Get the car ready.

The car is ready.

Lobby's clear.Take your time.


This is my water.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought this was left hereby another guest.

Would you like a new one?


[Elevator dings]

Towel, sir?


Four is down.

[Phone beeping]


Gardiah, what's wrong?

Go check it out.

[Beep] That should do it.


I hope so.

[All grunting]
[Breathing heavily]

[Exhales]That could have gone better.

[Elevator dings]
[Elevator dings]

Gardiah is out.

Gardiah's out, Gardiah's out.

[Knock on door]
[Indistinct chatter]
[Elevator dings]

No, show your...

[Indistinct murmuring]
[Tires squealing]

[Honks horn] General,

wake up. You're atthe united nations.

What are you doing?

You can't do this to me.

Do what, save your life?

I hope you noticed.

The kill squadjust tried to take you out before you could make it toyour peace summit tomorrow.

[Honks horn]

You're an American.

I'm an ally ofthe United States.

The United Statesdidn't attack you.

One of their weapons did; a weapon they'velost control of.

A unit called Division.

I don't understand.

It's simple.Your country's rich with oil but you don't own any of it.

The companies that drill it do.

They know they minute thatyou stabilize your country, the second you end civil war, you'll kick 'em out.

Those companies contractedDivision to kill you.

How do you know this?

Who are you?

I'm someone who wantsto see Division fail.


Well, hello, Alex.

It's good to see you again.

I was, um...

I was wonderingif you could help me.

Well, of course.It's what I'm here for.

Tell me how I can help.

You can help me get out of here.Alex... Shut up!

We're going to walkto the elevator, you're going to open it,and I'm going to get in it.

And go where?

I didn't kill anyone.

But I swear to God,if you don't get up right now, I will kill you.

The elevator doesn'tlead to freedom.

Just another room.


The more you try to get out, the more you realize there will always beanother room.

I don't know who toldyou these things, Alex.

We're not murderers.

We're protectors.We protect our home.

What home?

Home is whereveryou stop running.

You haven't beenhome for so long, you probably forget whatit even feels like.

Well, it begins...

It begins with a pro.

You promiseto put down the shears.

I promise to forgetthis ever happened, and we begin again.

Welcome home.

[classical music playing]

Glad you're able to behere tonight, Percy.

Makes one of us.

John, what did you wantto tell me that I couldn't hearon the phone?

The CIA has mademy committee aware of some very high levelespionage activities.

Kidnappings, assassinations.

It's clearly the work of askilled intelligence network.

But we can't attribute it to any one of our enemies. Or allies.

You come acrossanything like that?

Not that I'm aware of.

Hey, you work for us,remember that.

I work for whoever happensto be sitting in your chair.

That person tendsto come and go.

Black Arrow was blown.

Nikita sabotaged the op.

Then what the hell areyou doing here find her!

We need to pull inassets from the field.

We trained Nikitato be a ghost.

Finding her when shedoesn't want to be found is next to impossible.

Nikita: Hey, guys.

I thought I heard my name.

How did you get in here?Front door.

Like you.

Who are you bothering now?

[Chuckles] What,I can't mingle?

She's been behavingherself, senator.

I'm sorry, I didn'tget your name.

Oh. Nikita.


Your daughter?

Family friend.

Yes. Shall...

I'm sorry.

We better get someseltzer on that.

That's right, that's right.This way, senator.

If you think senator Marcus is going to be leverage, he's not.

He was just my ticket tonight.

I found out whatescort service he used and I worked itso I was his date.

Well, you've been planningthis for a while, huh?

I want you to knowI can get to you, and hit you whereit hurts the most.

My feelings?Your funding.

Tonight was just a taste.

I'm going to take you apart,piece by piece, mission by mission.

Didn't you accompany meto one of these once?

Yes. years ago.

You needed some arm candyto distract some v.I.P.

I'm surprisedyou remember that.

I remember everything.Ah.

Which is why I decided to bringalong a little back-up tonight. And I'm afraid I'm going tohave to decline your offer.

You know this doesn'thave to be awkward.

Just take my arm and we'llgo right out that door.

We can do it quiet,or the other way.

Your choice.

No, Percy, it's yours. And you just made it.

[All screaming]

Ah, stay here.


[Cocks gun]

Safety on.

Toss it behind you,don't turn around.

Get down on the ground.


Spread your arms and your legs.

Just like old times, huh?

Shut up.

You were free.

You had gotten out,you were gone.

What the hellare you doing back here?

Someone has to stop Percy.

If Percy goes down,he has no problem taking everybody down with him.

This country will not recover.

Do you want that?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about evidenceof every job Division has had, locked away in encrypted files, hidden all over the world.

So he gets a free pass?

Keep training slavesto kill for him?

Spare me, Nikita.

I know you're in thisfor revenge.

You blame me?

You know firsthandwhat it feels like.

Have the thing you love mostin life taken away from you.

It wasn't your life.It was your cover.

I warned you not to getemotionally attached.

You mean the way you did...

With me?

Don't. Don't.

Michael, I know whyyou're staying there.

You want to protectthe other recruits the way you protected me.

I can't protect you anymore.

Then let me go.

Or stop me now.

I'll give you a head start.

If we meet again I can'tpromise what will happen.

I can.

It's a good wound.They'll think you tried to stop me.

Just trying to protect you.

Nikita is our newpriority target.

Threat level 6.

Every operative engagedat that level or lower will be working on thisfull time.

Mike will be headingthe detail.

Amanda will be directingour overseas assets.

There's really onlya handful of organizations who could interceptour intelligence.

Someone is running her, and I want to know who.

Bring me her head and bring me all of theirs.

This is war!

Now get to work.

[Door slams]

I'm never gonna get this.

Yeah, someone elsetold me that once.

She was wrong, too.

Remember, you're justgetting started.

Damn right.

Here we go.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 50 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

01.08.2022 vers 00h

16.03.2021 vers 16h

16.02.2018 vers 15h

15.12.2017 vers 14h

15.10.2017 vers 12h

01.04.2017 vers 10h

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albi2302  (15.10.2017 à 12:56)

Un premier épisode intéressant qui présente l'histoire dans son ensemble grâce à des souvenirs accompagner par les missions actuelles.

Pour l'instant, j'aime beaucoup Nikita et Michael.


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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